Friday, 3 December 2010

The Frustrations & Disappointments

Before I go any further I need to point out that in this blog I probably sound very scathing of models, thats because the people I deal with in photography are models. I know there are plenty of prat photographers out there, but I rarely have to deal with them, so they are not relevant to this. I suppose its a problem with people rather than models, but its models that I'm arranging shoots with. So the models that this does not apply to, you'll know who you are.
This is about the disappointments and frustrations that I've gone through this year. For me the most annoying thing is the discussions you have with models that never turn into shoots. I've heard other photographers say, that every discussion that fails is a potential no-show that you've avoided. That may be true but the fact is I get very few no-shows but plenty of frustrating discussions.
Last year I lost track of how many I had, so this year I decided to get involved in as many 'possible' shoots as possible, that way with the usual discussions that suddenly stop I'd be left with a good number of shoots. This generally has worked although a few weeks I was shooting quite a few times a week if not everyday. Its not the number of shoots that makes it difficult, its the fact that the sort of images I produce can take alot of time, and that means backlogs when I get a string of shoots close together.
To keep track of the various stages of discussions and arrangements I found the best way was to keep a spreadsheet, so that at a glance I could see where I was waiting for a reply, where I needed to reply and where I'd arranged a shoot date. If I dont get replies from a model for a few weeks I put the name into the disappeared list. (Occasionally they reappear!)  At the moment I have 41 names in that! I hear you say. Yes thats alot of people.  Even though I've had a lot of shoots this year, much more than any other, it doesnt take away the sheer frustration and disappointment that comes with each and every one of those failed discussions . At times I've gone through every single one to see if theres any pattern, are they all wannabe beginners, have they all got poor refs, ....No, most of them have had quite a few shoots, a few have good reputations, big names etc.
I 've also tried to see if there is a pattern as to which stage does this occur, but no pattern, some start off with a very interested message and then never reply again. Others drag on and on. I'm in discussion with one well known 'respected' model since February with about 40 messages going back and forth, and constant cancellations/postponements.
Sometimes the model has been abducted by aliens, no logins on any modelling site, they've just disappeared, others carry on with their everyday modelling lives, logging in, ignoring your messages as if you dont exist anymore.
Its a total mystery to me.
Speaking of no-shows, i've only had two no-shows this year. One was particularly disappointing as I'd worked for hours on an elaborate setup only to sit there for a few more hours before receiving a text to say something else had overrun. Personally had I done something like that I would be moving heaven and earth to make up for it, but instead this 'well-respected' model attempted nothing and despite plenty of opportunities to make amends has done nothing. I don't understand that aspect of no-shows. Another no-show from a couple of years ago for which I never got an explanation or apology I added as a friend on facebook (at my request)...did I get so much as a hello?
People have said to me that I should be just working with the models I know that I can rely on and should never work with newbies that have little or no refs....note that on Modelmayhem you dont have refs. There is a great attraction in working with someone new, they look different, they pose differently, they have different mannerisms, different rapport. Its abit like travel photography theres always something new to shoot in the next valley, around the next mountain, in the next village. I also naively have faith in people, so when they say 'Hi hun love your work can we shoot' I take that at face value, that what they say is what they mean....but as I've found out over 40 times this year I've been wrong. 
Possibly the biggest disappointment is lies. Cancellations and postponements only to find new images appearing on modelling sites or facebook and its quite easy to backtrack a little and work out the date of the shoot..... wow they must have recovered from that illness fast and been lucky to find a local tog that day!
Many of the individual disappointments are not so bad on their own, but when you have say six shoots booked over a two week period and each one cancels, it does all add up.
I find now that whenever I start a discussion with an enthusiastic model I have to try and dampen my initial excitement as I have to accept that its a toss of the coin whether or not it will actually happen.
I would hate to add up the number of these that have happened over the years.
I know this happens to other photographers and I've heard models complain about the same regarding photographers  although not to the same numbers. Yes its a waste of time, its frustrating, its disappointing.....but for me for every one that disappears, cancels, noshows its another model saying 'Your work isnt good enough to make me want to bother to turn up',and so it becomes a faliure on my part.
In the end it grinds you down and you realise that what should be a fulfilling, creative, enjoyable activity, is something that becomes quite negative and soul destroying.
So on Sunday I have my last shoot for  the forseeable future, after that I can just concentrate on editing and creating images with the photos I've already taken.
Maybe afterSunday I can write a positive uplifting blog about the successes of this year.

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